1. What AXG.HOUSE service dedicated for?

AXG.HOUSE is allow to scan alleged copyright infringing content and fake accounts accross web, social networks, messengers groups and channels. We are reporting found incidents to website owners, hosting provider (ISP) to delete content at source, Google and Bing delist from search results. This complex allow to reach maximum efficiency. 

2. Who is AXG.HOUSE created for?

AXG.HOUSE is created for authors, content creators, famous persones and copyright owners around the globe to remove unauthorized shared content and fake accounts.

3. Why AXG.HOUSE to choose?

AXG.HOUSE is trusted for everyone and sending only high quality reports. We are member of Trusted Copyright Removal Program by Google, trusted submitted for Cloudflare and many others since 2014.

4. Which content may I report by copyright?

In case of copyright infringement you may report direct link violating your copyrights, not a category link or homepage. However if you still believe category and/or homepage violate your copyrights, you may try.

Usually one project make possible to report only one infringement type, either copyright or impersonator. Please avoid ‘fair use‘ links adding, they will be denied and non refundable.

5. Which account/page may I report as impresonated?

In case of impersonator report, possible to add link to group, channel or account.

NB! Added links should appear unauthorized shared content and be live.

Please note that if you add links that violate our rules, our moderators may refuse report them and suspend your account without refund.

6. What will happen if I will submit incorrect link? 

We using mixed automatic and manual tool to verify possible violation. In case of link violation is not found then on the dashboard you will see link status as Denied. We are unable to act in such case.

7. What does it mean Pending Review status?

Pending Review status means submitted link in queue waiting for manual or auto verification. Once it will be verified we will send removal notification and status will be changed to Pending Removal.

8. What does it mean Pending Removal status?

This status means we already sent removal notification to website admin or/and to ISP, also in case website removal time is >14 days then we submitted that link to Google and Bing delist requests as well.

9. What does it mean Deleted status?

This status means alleged infringin content or/and page successfully deleted at source. Please note, Deleted status also applied for cases when content deleted only for specific locations and/or devices (like iOS, Android or Desktop).

10. What does it mean Not Deleted status?

Not Deleted status means alleged infringin content or/and page not deleted at source. However it's also reported to Google and Bing delist, so with 99.9% efficiency will be delisted for both. We are not tracking search results to change status, because we delist 100% of all correctly submitted links. Approximate delist time is 24-48h, but in some rare cases when Google stuff review manually might take up to 14 days.

11. What does it mean Denied status?

Denied status means:

- We not found violation for copyright or impersonation content you've reported;

- You filled out incomplete, false or incorrect data, including link where we can see authorized example of your work or official account isn't correct;

- You submitted URL as copyright infrinment to group or website category, but not direct link to alleged infringing content video, audio, text, image or software, or/and unauthorized download link;

Example of correct link for copyright infringement is, incorrect one or You may submit group link only in case impersonation take place. It's unauthorized use your brand name in URL address, profile name, contain your photo/logo at profile image and posting materials which belong to you.

12. May I refund fully or rartially for unused quota?

REMOVEE service is non refundable.

13. What is your prices?

Video content type (movies, series) then price 790 EUR/mo [If auto renew activated 700 EUR]

Audio content type - 390 EUR/mo [If auto renew activated 370]

Software content type - 690 EUR/mo [If auto renew activated 670]

Nude leaks content type - 390 EUR/mo [If auto renew activated 370]

Text content type - 490 EUR/mo [If auto renew activated 470]

Impersonator accounts - 590 EUR/mo [If auto renew activated 570]